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Science & Comprehensive Wellness
Course Overview
Discover the connections between scientific principles and holistic well-being by taking a deeper look into how vibrations can aid in healing health issues when integrated with conventional science. Gain valuable insights into the mind-body connection and experience a holistic approach to wellness that will empower you to make informed and balanced choices for your health and future.
Course Objectives
Course Information
- Credit:
- Noncredit
- Categories:
- Lab Requirement:
- <div id="AdditionalBars"> <div class="Region" id="AdditionalBarsRegion"> <div class="ewa-fb-nb ewa-fb-refactor ewa-fb-fluent" id="m_excelWebRenderer_ewaCtl_m_formulaBar"> <div class="ewa-fb drop-down"> <div class="ewa-fb-text-div-container" id="m_excelWebRenderer_ewaCtl_formulaBarTextDivContainerId"> <div class="ewa-fb-text-box ewa-fb-text-box-new-theme ewa-fb-text-box-new not-ie ewa-fb-disabled ql-disabled" id="formulaBarTextDivId"> <div aria-label="formula bar" class="ql-editor ewa-rteTextElement" contenteditable="false" data-gramm="false" dir="auto" id="formulaBarTextDivId_textElement" role="textbox" spellcheck="false" tabindex="0"> <div class="ewa-rteLine">For this course, please bring a vibration-producing instrument of your choice, such as (but not limited to) a tambourine, maracas, hand drum, singing bowl, chime, or tuning fork. Choose one that's easy to use and under $50, suitable for a classroom environment in size and sound level. Select an instrument you're comfortable with or can quickly learn to play independently.</div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div id="NotificationBar"> <div class="Region" id="NotificationBarRegion"> <div class="WACNotificationBar"> <div class="fui-FluentProvider fui-FluentProviderr1 ___1wli6bv f19n0e5 f3rmtva f1o700av fk6fouc fkhj508 figsok6 f5lt7tx f2q8o33 fwk23hs fcki024 fbrulcr f11ln2im fqnx5so f1wwj2d7 f1rpz4u5">&#160;</div> </div> </div> </div>
Program Information
- Pre-College Program:
- This is a teaser for precollege.
Course Dates and Details
Program | Course Dates | Class Time | Format | Status |
Pre-College | Session C |
| on-campus | open |