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Introduction to Film

Course Overview

Serves as an intro to analyzing film and media. Examines style, form, technology, industry and cultural meaning. Spans 19th to the 21st centuries, national contexts, genres and modes of production. Introduces ways of "reading" film and other visual media, to be a more informed and critical viewer.

Course Information

Course Number:
FILM 101
Letter-based Grading A-F
  • The Arts / Theatre

Program Information

Summer College Program

Emory Summer College is a nonresidential program in which exceptional high school students, who have completed their sophomore or junior year, may enroll in Emory undergraduate courses and earn college credit.

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Course Dates and Details

ProgramCourse DatesClass TimeFormatStatus
Summer College ProgramSession 2:
Tue, Jul 1 - Thu, Aug 7, 2025
  • Tu,Th 11:30am-1:00pm (+ 3 hours asynchronous weekly)


Daniel Reynolds

Daniel Reynolds’s research focuses on media, embodiment, and the mind. He is interested in particular in how films and video games depict psychology and stimulate psychological responses in their users. At Emory, he teaches courses in media theory, video games, media technology, authorship, and the psychology of media use.

Dr. Reynolds is the author of the book Media in Mind (Oxford University Press, 2019) and has published essays in Film QuarterlyJournal of Cinema and Media Studies, and Game Studies, among other venues. He is currently working on a new book about the relationship between film technology and conceptions of cinematic authorship.

He is a faculty affiliate of Emory’s Center for Mind, Brain, and Culture.