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Frequently Asked Questions

Application Information

  • I am homeschooled. May I apply?

    Homeschooled students are welcome. When soliciting a recommender, it should be someone other than parents and the recommendation should attest to student's character, academics, and ability to get along in a community setting.

  • When is the application deadline?

    Application deadlines vary per session. Review dates and deadlines.

    International applicants: Please note that your due dates are earlier due to additional application requirements, visa processing times, etc.

  • Can I enroll in multiple sessions?

    Students may attend multiple sessions, whether on campus or online.

  • I am known by an alias (nickname) and not by my legal first name. What name should I put on my application?

    Use the legal name that appears on your birth certificate and current school records. There is a field in the application to provide your “preferred” name.

  • Are transcripts and test scores required?

    Requirements vary, depending on the program. Transcripts are required for all applicants. Report cards/grade reports cannot be submitted in lieu of your transcript, however, they are permissible for current fall grades only.

    Test scores are optional for the Pre-college noncredit program and required for Summer College applications. A test scores report must contain your name, test date and scores for each category.

  • I am an international student but I have not taken the TOEFL, IELTS or Cambridge test. Can I still apply?

    Unfortunately, no. However, the program criteria provides detailed requirements regarding international students and test scores.

  • The only item my application is missing is my test scores. Is there a way to expedite the scores?

    Unfortunately, we can not assist with expediting your test scores. However, below are instructions for downloading and uploading your test score once received.

    Instructions are as follows:

    • PreSAT/SAT - When you log into the College Board testing website, you will immediately be on the Dashboard screen. Click on the view details tab under the total score which will take you to another screen called Student Score Report. On that screen, click on download report to the right. The report that downloads is the report we need to upload to your application.

    • PreACT/ACT - When you log into the ACT testing website, click on “Your test Dates and Scores” on the right under Home. Click on the “view scores” for the specific date and test. Log in again using your username and password. Click on “Download Student Score Report” on the top right of the screen. The report that downloads is the report we need to upload to your application.

  • I uploaded all my documents, do I need to mail the originals to your office?

    You do not need to mail the original documents after you have emailed or uploaded the documents to your application.

  • Who can I use as a recommender for my letter of recommendation?

    A recommender is:

    • Someone who can attest to your academic abilities, character, and/or ability to get along in a community setting (such as teacher or counselor)

    • Not a parent or family member.

    You can submit as many recommendation requests as you like. However, one recommendation letter is needed to complete your application

  • My recommender has not received the recommendation request. What should I do?

    Recommendation requests will be sent to the recommender immediately after the student completes the recommendation form in the Application Portal. Be sure to follow-up with the recommender and if they did not receive email, ask the recommender to check their junk/spam folder.

  • Am I required to select an alternate course?

    Yes, If your primary course is not available at the time of enrollment, you will be enrolled in your alternate course. We will notify you if you are enrolled in your alternate course.

  • I am interested in Summer College (credit-bearing courses for high school students), but I live outside of the metro Atlanta area or in another state. Can I apply for Summer College?

    Summer College only has a commuter option for courses held on campus.

    If you live outside of the metro-Atlanta area or in another state, it is best to apply for an online course so that you can participate no matter where you live. Or, have your parent email to let us know where you will reside if accepted into the program.

  • I need to change sessions but am unable to do so on my application. What should I do?

    Before the application deadline, send an email to with your full name, the new session, and the course to which you would like to apply. You do not have to start a new application.
  • Am I guaranteed the course that was approved in my application?

    We have rolling admissions which mean students are enrolled in a course once they have been accepted and paid their enrollment deposit. Paying the enrollment deposit immediately after being accepted increases the chances of being enrolled in your approved course choice.

  • Can I request an application fee waiver?

    Application fee waivers are provided to returning students and foundation scholars. Please email for requests.

  • How long will it take to receive a decision about my application?

    Once your application is complete and there is no other documentation needed, the decision is rendered within five business days. The decision is sent to the email address provided in your application.

  • Will participating in the Emory Pre-College Program help me get into Emory University as an undergraduate first-year or transfer student?

    While Emory cannot guarantee program participants’ admission to Emory University for first-year or transfer admission, successful participation in a pre-college summer program may enhance a student’s portfolio for application to selective universities.

Program Information

  • How many students participate in the Pre-College Program?

    • Approximately 400 Pre-College students, spread over multiple two-week sessions.

    • Approximately 100-150 students enrolled in the Pre-College Program each session.

    • Around 90% of the students enrolled in two-week courses are residential and will live in the Pre-College residence halls.

  • Are COVID-19 vaccines required in order to participate?

    Emory President, Gregory Fenves, announced that Emory has removed all COVID-19 vaccine requirements for minors and non-Emory affiliated program participants staying in overnight on-campus housing. 

    However, Emory will continue to monitor COVID-19 changes and adapt the response as needed.

    You can read more here.

  • How will students spend a typical day in the Pre-College Program?

    The daily schedule provides what a typical day in the Pre-College Program for students enrolled in noncredit courses.
  • What do Pre-College students do in their free time?

    During free time students study, complete assignments, attend trips, and make long lasting memories. 

  • Are Pre-College students allowed to drive to campus?

    Pre-College students who are approved commuters may drive to campus. They will either pay to park by the hour in one of Emory’s visitors’ lots, or they may purchase a two-week parking pass from Emory's Office of Transportation and Parking.

  • Can a residential student bring a car?

    We highly recommend that students not drive to campus unless they are an approved commuter. Residential students cannot leave campus unless in supervised groups by Emory provided transportation only.

    Also, residential students cannot be passengers of a car driven by another student in the program.

  • Is Emory's Pre-College program a "qualified higher education expense" that can be paid for from a 529 plan?

    We recommend you contact your 529 plan provider. All enrolled students will have access to view and print an itemized bill in their student account.

Course Information

  • Will I need to buy textbooks?

    Some courses require textbooks. Check the email used in your application in late May for the textbook list and other pertinent information.

  • How much do books and course materials cost?

    Books and course materials range from no cost to a maximum of $50.

  • Will there be homework outside of class?

    Yes, most courses will have assignments outside of class. The amount of daily homework will vary among courses and may take up to several hours per day, but previous Pre-College students have found these assignments manageable and rewarding.

  • How can I find the list of courses offered?

    Review the list of available courses for both Pre-College Program and Summer College Program.

  • Can I miss a few days of my course due to other commitments?

    Attendance and participation are required in all classes and other program activities. When students miss class, they are subject to receiving an unsatisfactory grade from their instructor.

    Unfortunately, earning a satisfactory grade in a pre-college course would not be possible if a student missed multiple class meetings. For that reason, we don't approve students to enroll in courses unless they are available to participate fully for the full duration of the course.


  • Can a course get canceled due to low enrollment?

    We reserve the right to cancel courses due to low enrollment. If a course is canceled, students will be notified via email and we will make every effort to place students in a comparable course.

Admitted Student Information

  • What should I do after being accepted into the program?

    Follow these steps:

    1. Read your acceptance letter thoroughly.
    2. Once logged into your application, on the homepage under FORMS, click the Pre-College Reply Form ( see the screenshot below).
    3. Either accept or decline the acceptance.
    4. If you accept, see the How to Deposit instructions in your acceptance letter.
  • If I have applied for financial aid, should I pay my deposit before I hear about my award?

    If you are relying on financial aid to attend the program, do not pay the deposit before you receive your financial aid award. The deposit is non-refundable. Remember that classes fill quickly.
  • Where can I locate the pre-arrival documents and parental consents/student acknowledgments? When are they due?

    1. Login the Application Portal
    2. Click on the application “Emory Pre-College Program Session”.
    3. Scroll down until you see Parental Consent and Student Acknowledgment and Questionnaires/Uploads.
    4. Complete all items that are not checked as received. Pre-arrival documents and consents are due one week prior to check-in.
  • I receive academic accommodations through my high school. Are my accommodations transferable to my course at Emory?

    Please be sure to complete the accommodations questionnaire in the application portal to specify any needs and/or restrictions, which is accessible to accepted students only. Should you need to discuss needs prior to applying, send an email to

  • Do you provide accommodations other than academic? What if I need housing or dietary accommodations?

    Please be sure to complete the accommodations questionnaire in the application portal to specify any needs and/or restrictions, which is accessible to accepted students only. Should you need to discuss needs prior to applying, send an email to
  • Can I switch classes after being enrolled?

    A student may withdraw or change their credit course schedule only with permission and approval from the Summer Programs Director.

    Students enrolled in a noncredit course may switch classes before or by the enrollment due date.

    Please email to request any changes.

  • When do I find out my grade?

    Pre-College students

    Assessments will be uploaded to your application for review in September.

    Summer College students

    You can view your grades in OPUS after the fully graded date for each session.

  • Can Pre-College students schedule an admissions interview or schedule a tour of the campus?

    Emory does not conduct admissions interviews. Students and parents can schedule a virtual tour of the campus and attend an Admissions Information Session.